Bibnik Montreal Library Search Revamp

Bibnik Montreal is a book search platform which pulls in data from Montreal’s open database of library books and displays this in an advanced search interface. It’s a project of Evolving Web, the Drupal web agency I’m working with. Together with their dev team, I gave the site a more up-to-date look. I also helped improve the search experience with some small interaction design changes.

You can see the old website on the left-hand-side. It needed a refresh after about 8 years.

The first problem with the homepage was that you don't grasp right away what the website's purpose is. On the homepage on the right-hand side you can now see the value proposition at a glance. I moved the small claim from the logo to the center and transformed it into a value prop and call to action at the same time. The UI of the search box is more modern and stands out as the main feature of the website.

The background image is not a random city image anymore and the text can be placed directly on it.

The homepage now also has a new section with popular books to provide some inspiration, if users don't know what they are looking for.

Benefitting from the wider layout, the search results page now uses a grid view instead of a list view. We improved the usability of the filters in the left tab as we got rid of tiny scroll bars.
The layout of the product detail page is reorganized and decluttered.
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